Pick a topic, from health to cars to robotics, and CES has it covered. The annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas features more than 4,000 exhibitors, as well as a packed schedule of talks, press conferences and parties. And of course, nonstop product demos.
The show, which began for media on Jan. 8 and other industry professionals on Jan. 9, takes over the city at an otherwise relatively sleepy time of year. Hotels and convention centers along the Las Vegas Strip become filled with every type of gadget imaginable as startups and legacy companies alike vie for a minute of time to anyone willing to look and listen.
Related: The Weirdest Things at CES This Year
For a real sense of the power and scope of CES, here’s an Entrepreneur-eye-view, beginning before the event even started, into what it’s like to be in the midst of it all.
This post has been updated.