Summer may have just started, but Facebook is already giving advertisers a head start on their fall shopping campaigns.
Already a showcase for brands’ product catalogs, Facebook is making its shopper-retargeting Dynamic Ads format more of a showpiece. Advertisers using Dynamic Ads to retarget people who visited their sites or used their apps can now add videos and product prices to their campaigns.
Advertisers will be able to swap out standard static product images for product videos. The idea is that videos might do a better job highlighting a product’s features and piquing people’s interest.
Advertisers can also choose to feature a product’s actual price or to tease a discounted price by having the ad display the percentage discount or the discounted price with the original price struck out. Prices will appear as an overlay atop the ad. Brands can choose the shape of these overlays — circle, rectangle or triangle — as well the font, text color, background color and where on the ad the overlay appears.
Advertisers can customize the look of their pricing information overlaid on their Dynamic Ads.
To add product videos and/or prices to a Dynamic Ad campaign, advertisers must use Facebook’s advertising API or Business Manager tool.
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